READ Community Programs
Care Partnership
We have partnered with CARE to bring the concept of microfinance to our communities. Each group is given a lock box by CARE. Each individual in the group contributes a monthly amount that is held in the box. After 1 year of collection, participants can get loans from the lockbox. The group decides on the amount of interest to be paid. CARE provides monthly instruction and guidance for 6 months.
It is difficult to get a loan if you are very poor and the interest is high. Our staff led the way in promoting this project. We now have 2 groups formed in Apahua. One group includes youth in our work-study program. The other is a women's group. They will learn to save, how to get a loan, and the responsibility of paying it back. They might take out a loan to buy a sheep, a phone, or a door for the house. Small, but important needs.
Christmas Fiesta 2022
There were at least 200 people at this holiday event in Apahua. Apahua is an indigenous community where one of our educational resource centers is located. The kids in the work-study and sponsorship programs made a packet for each family in Apahua, the small decoration of sheep representing their livelihood.
We played bean bag games, distributed a small bag of food, and provided refreshments. The families had so much fun. The people of Apahua, although their lives are very difficult, it seem to have a happy spirit within.